I just checked in the very early preview version of Cayenne multi-tier
DataContext (actually it is called ObjectContext in this design -
http://objectstyle.org/confluence/display/CAY/2005/04/17). As there is
still a lot of changes going on, I put it in the sandbox CVS directory.
Once the design stabilizes (and I hear some feedback), I'll move it to
the main Cayenne source tree.
The new code consists of three Eclipse projects located in the
following CVS folders:
1. cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/cayenne/sandbox/multitier/cayenne-3t
(I guess "mt" for multi-tier is a better name than 3t?). This is
Cayenne framework code. It includes server and client side classes for
distributed Cayenne operations. The only included "connector" is
HessianConnector that uses Hessian binary protocol from Caucho
2. cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/cayenne/sandbox/multitier/3t-example
This is a server part of the test example. This Eclipse project is
based on Sysdeo Tomcat plugin, so you'll need to download it from
This is a rudimentary command-line client example that uses
HessianConnector to access Cayenne server.
I run both server and client from Eclipse. This is very raw and many
things do not work (take a look at the client's Main class to see those
few things that do). I'd appreciate the feedback on the general
architecture (main interfaces are ObjectContext, Persistent,
ClientCommand, CayenneConnector).
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