Re: AntFileSetCompareTask

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu May 12 2005 - 18:51:04 EDT

  • Next message: Erik Hatcher: "Re: AntFileSetCompareTask"

    Erik Hatcher <> wrote:
    > However it doesn't actually compare <fileset>'s. It's comparing the
    > filenames found in the filesets, except using dir1 and dir2 as the
    > base directories. So the files in the filesets themselves may never
    > be compared - except that you're specifying the same directory for
    > your nested fileset as you use for one of the dir attributes.
    > So I'm not seeing the flexibility you say it adds.

    Probably I'm mangling the ant usage of "Filesets". These would be relative
    filesets instead of absolute filesets.

    If I have directories containing files


    I can selectively compare only A, C, and D, excluding B and E.

    I can't do that with directories alone.

    The functionality I thought I needed should be there, even if it's
    convoluted to set it up :)
    Mind you, I haven't actually tested it like that since I realized I needed
    to check my entire baseline directory right as I finished writing it :)


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