.classpath in the project root

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Mon May 30 2005 - 19:51:15 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: .classpath in the project root"

    Anybody objects to moving .classpath and .project files from
    contrib/ide/eclipse to the project root? I like to be able to pull the
    latest code from CVS and get it complied automatically by Eclipse, even
    if somebody upgraded a jar file or two.

    Whatever concerns we had originally that prevented us from doing that
    are probably no longer valid (there is no conflict with other IDEs,
    what else?). The only caveat is source attachments. Whenever you need
    to map a JAR file to s a source folder, you shouldn't be using an
    absolute path. Instead you'd have to define an eclipse variable (e.g.
    DBCP_SRC or J2EE_SRC). This way committers won't override each other's
    source paths.



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