Re: Is there an updated simple 3T Example?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Jun 08 2005 - 13:55:54 EDT

  • Next message: Derek Rendall: "Re: Is there an updated simple 3T Example?"

    Hi Derek,

    After I moved past prototyping, real implementation is taking more time
    than expected. So currently 3T does't work at all. I won't attempt another
    guesstimate of when this will be in a working shape again as it'll
    probably be wrong. But I am on it...

    Design part is mostly finished. It combines both distributed and nested
    contexts support that allowed me to simplify server-side part of the stack
    (PersistenceContext/ObjectContext pair of interfaces). Merging current
    DataContext/DataObject/DataDomain with
    Persistent/ObjectContext/PersistenceContext is progressing pretty well.

    Now the things that are not there yet... Many of the new methods in the
    stack are just placeholders and need to be impleented. Also the
    server-side part of the ObjectContext is a DataContext subclass, so once I
    start full integration testing, I expect issues with reusing current
    DataContext stack that expects DataObjects to be passed around.

    I'll post further updates on this list.


    > There seems to have been a lot of changes lately :-) and I was
    > wondering if there was an updated version of the simple example 3T app
    > that I could base my Eclipse RCP prototype/example on. If it exists -
    > great (please point me at it - should get me going quicker), if not -
    > well, I'll just try wading through the test classes to get a feel for
    > what I need to do ...
    > Thanks in advance for the yes or no response :-)
    > Derek

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