Re: vertical inheritance by templating

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Fri Jun 17 2005 - 16:55:57 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Emulated nested DataContexts"

    Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > And of course my approach will not work if a single parent can have more
    > than one detail record (of same or different kinds).
    > In other words, is there a valid case when a person.person_id can resolve
    > to two or more employee.employee_id's?

    I don't think so.

    It is my understanding that a single person could resolve only to zero or
    one employee.

    However, a person_id could have an internal_customer and customer id.
    Or an employee and manager id.
    Or just an employee id or just a customer id.
    Or even a important_internal_customer, internal_customer, and customer id.

    Or to put it another way, a given parent entity never has more than one
    child at each level of the inheritance.


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