Settings look good. Can you connect to this DB using MySQL tools
outside Cayenne? Does "cayenne" instance exist? Also check the
generated test XML files - they may contain the clues on why this
On Aug 29, 2005, at 9:27 AM, Gili wrote:
> The test failure has something to do with cayenne.test.connection
> If I run "ant test" all tests pass just fine. If, however, I
> run "ant test -Dcayenne.test.connection=example1" with example1
> defined as:
> example1.cayenne.adapter =
> org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql.MySQLAdapter
> example1.jdbc.username = cayenne
> example1.jdbc.password = cayenne
> example1.jdbc.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/cayenne
> example1.jdbc.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
> then it fails.
> Gili
> Gili wrote:
>> Actually you're right, we reference a variable with id
>> "classpath" which contains the path you mentioned. Still, the
>> class is not resolving at runtime even though I can go into the
>> directory and I see it there... How odd.
>> Gili
>> Gili wrote:
>>> Yes but this classpath entry is included at compile-time, not
>>> runtime. Don't you need to add it to the "test" target?
>>> Gili
>>> Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>>>> On Aug 29, 2005, at 8:48 AM, Gili wrote:
>>>>> I never depend on the environment variable CLASSPATH on my
>>>>> end so maybe that's where the problem is coming from.
>>>>> Shouldn't this be part of the ant file?
>>>> Ant script uses CLASSPATH as an easy extension point allowing
>>>> to include drivers, otherwise the script is self-contained.
>>>> Tests are included directly from the build folder, not the jar:
>>>> ...
>>>> <pathelement path="build/tests/classes"/>
>>>> ...
>>>> Andrus
> --
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