Re: Delete cascade problem

From: Gili (
Date: Thu Sep 15 2005 - 23:35:41 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: DataContextFactory"

            I had an idea as to how we can fix this. I am expressing this in
    pseudo-code because I'm not comfortable understand enough with the code
    to patch it myself.

    Create three lists:

    deleted, pending and recentlyDeleted

            When any object is deleted, you add it into "deleted" and
    "recentlyDeleted". When we reach an object which cannot be deleted due
    to a DENY rule, we add it into "pending".

            Here is an example of how it would work.

    Given the following cascade rules:

    -> means "cascade delete"
    |-> means "deny delete unless the following objects are deleted"

    A -> B -> C
            -> D
            -> E
    C |-> D
    D |-> E
    E |-> C

            Now, say a user deletes A, the algorithm would walk through the problem
    like this:

    - 1st pass

    deleted: A
    recentlyDeleted: A

    - 2nd pass (A is removed from "recentlyDeleted" because no objects in
    "pending" were waiting on its deletion)

    deleted: A, B
    recentlyDeleted: B

    - 3rd pass (We can't delete C because D still exists)

    deleted: A, B
    pending: C

    - 4th pass (We can't delete D because E still exists)

    deleted: A, B
    pending: C, D

    - 5th pass, we attempt to delete E. We notice that E depends on C being
    deleted and it just so happens that C is in "pending", so E's deletion
    is allowed to go through.

    deleted: A, B, E
    recentlyDeleted: E
    pending: C, D

    - 6th pass, we notice that "recentlyDeleted" is not empty, so we check
    "pending" to see if any elements on the list depend on any recently
    deleted objects. We find out D may now be deleted.

    deleted: A, B, E, D
    recentlyDeleted: D
    pending: C

    - 7th pass, we notice that now C may be deleted.

    deleted: A, B, E, D, C
    recentlyDeleted: C

    we're done... This is an example of a successful delete. We can detect a
    failed delete if the three lists remain unchanged between the beginning
    and end of a pass (i.e. there was no change, we got stuck).

            Is it possible for someone to translate this pseudo-code into an actual


    Gili wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I've got this relationship:
    > On delete of A, cascade to B
    > On delete of B, if any "A" instances exist, DENY
    > What I'm seeing at runtime is that I delete A, it tries to cascade
    > to B but this fails because A is still associated with it. Cayenne
    > doesn't seem to be smart enough to notice this is ok because A is the
    > one triggering the delete in the first place. Here are the logs I get at
    > runtime (I added these to the code):
    > INFO DataContextDeleteAction:279 -
    > desktopbeautifier.server.cayenne.delegates.DefaultImag..d=14200 is
    > cascading delete to
    > desktopbeautifier.server.cayenne.delegates.DefaultContentTyp..d=6080
    > INFO DataContextDeleteAction:279 -
    > desktopbeautifier.server.cayenne.delegates.DefaultImag..d=14200 is
    > cascading delete to
    > desktopbeautifier.server.cayenne.delegates.ImageDat..d=14520
    > org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DeleteDenyException: Can't delete object
    > with OID desktopbeautifier.server.cayenne.delegates.ImageData: <id:
    > 14520>. Reason: relationship 'image' has Deny. Details: Related objects:
    > java.util.Collections$SingletonLis..d=14200
    > I think I might try writing a unit test tomorrow. Please let me know
    > if the above is the expected behavior or if this sounds like a bug.
    > Thanks,
    > Gili


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