reverse engineer problems

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Tue Sep 20 2005 - 16:18:21 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: reverse engineer problems"

    I have the following PG table:

    CREATE TABLE personnel (
      personnel_id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      duty_station_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES duty_station (duty_station_id),
      unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES duty_station_unit (unit_id),
      bos_code CHAR(2) NOT NULL REFERENCES branch_of_service (bos_code),
      rank_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES personnel_rank (rank_id)

    When reverse engineering in 1.2M5, it is only finding the rank_id
    relationship. Are there any known defficiencies in the reverse eng in
    1.2? I haven't seen any threads on this lately, but the FK discovery
    problems seem fairly extensive.

    It's possible its a JDBC driver bug, but I don't think so... Any thoughts?


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