Determining the DataMap for an ObjEntity when EntityResolver contains multiple maps

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Fri Sep 30 2005 - 17:45:56 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Determining the DataMap for an ObjEntity when EntityResolver contains multiple maps"

    Is there a way to determine the DataMap for an ObjEntity when
    EntityResolver contains multiple maps?

    The only thing that seems like it might work is to iterate through the
    DataMaps and see if an ObjEntity is contained in getObjEntityMap().

    Is it reasonable to add a getLocalObjEntity() method to DataMap?

    Even better would be a getDataMapForObjEntity() method on EntityResolver.

    This is something I need to be able to use from cgen, so I'd rather
    not have to try to write this in velocity template language :)


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