On Oct 3, 2005, at 5:47 PM, Cris Daniluk wrote:
> Gotcha. The only problem with that is that there is no guarantee that
> getToHouse() exists...
"Does not exist" means "not mapped" in this context... I was not
referring to those... Only to the cases of redundant mapping of
ObjRelationships as both regular and flattened over the same path.
I guess we misunderstood each other at some point. Here is you
message I was replying to:
> In some cases, I'd agree - though in other cases I would not. For
> example, if I query across the relationship by path
> (query.addPrefetch("toHouse.toCity")), then when I invoke
> person.getToCity, it should work.
In this case, if there is a House ObjEntity, we can use a "fake"
flattened; if there is none - we have to use joint prefetch as
connecting person and city records is impossible without a join
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