Re: Eclipse and third party sources

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu Oct 13 2005 - 16:30:25 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "cgen "memory" of last task"

    A search of the eclipse newsgroups shows a couple of other people
    asking the same thing. The folks answering seemed incapable of
    understanding the problem. Another poster claimed that this used to
    work, but regressed the first half of 2004. Another poster stated
    that if you have the jar file specified via a variable, you're
    *FORCED* to specify the source via a variable.

    So I'd say it's currently broken, but it used to work. Probably
    someone should open a bug report on it.

    On 10/13/05, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > I can't seem to figure out how to parameterize source locations for
    > third-party jars in .classpath. Eclipse wouldn't recognize variable
    > names in "sourcepath" attribute, e.g.:
    > <classpathentry sourcepath="HESSIAN_SRC" kind="lib" path="otherlib/
    > hessian-3.0.8.jar"/>
    > (I also tried various syntax for variable name, like ${..} and a few
    > others ...)
    > For the lack of a better solution I thought we might implement one
    > that I used on another project - create a second Eclipse project (not
    > java project, just "simple" project would do) called "third-party" or
    > similar, that contains a bunch of source folders for the third party
    > sources, and then fill it with correct versions.
    > Anyone has a better idea?
    > Andrus

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