Andrus (and others),
I'm trying to iterate through the uncommitted object set so I can
create auditing records, and one of my problems is that I don't have
access to uncommitted flattened object changes like I do for new,
modified, and deleted objects.
How would you feel about adding the following methods to DataContext?
public List newFlattenedObjects()
// maybe wrap in new ArrayList() first....
return getObjectStore().getFlattenedInserts();
public List deletedFlattenedObjects()
// maybe wrap in new ArrayList() first....
return getObjectStore().getFlattenedDeletes();
Currently, I'm adding these methods in using a custom DataContext
subclass. However, I still have to make a local mod so that
org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.FlattenedRelationshipUpdate is visible.
At minimum, it would be helpful if
org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.FlattenedRelationshipUpdate was marked
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