NetBeans for the Modeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 08 2006 - 16:47:25 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: NetBeans for the Modeler"

    When I recently discovered the progress NetBeans had made, first
    thought was of course - how can we use it in CayenneModeler development.

    At the moment Eclipse is still a superior IDE and I have no plans to
    switch from it personally, but NetBeans is also a Swing *platform*.
    Essentially they've created the same thing Eclipse did - a GUI plugin
    shell. So aside from using a GUI builder (which may or may not be
    good - this is still to be determined), the benefit would be an open
    pure java platform that other people can extend.

    My thinking is that CayenneModeler switching to NetBeans would be
    equivalent to changing our docs system from CVS/XML to Wiki - the
    rate of community contribution will grow up significantly.

    I have no plans to do it immediately (and don't yet have enough
    NetBeans knowledge to make such a decision), but I thought I'd bring
    it up.


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