cayenne-jpa - volunteer help?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 15 2006 - 15:44:59 EST

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    More on EJB 3, or more specifically Java Persistence API (JPA) part
    of it that concerns Cayenne. I just checked in a sandbox subproject
    called cayenne-jpa (won't appear on anonymous CVS for some time). The
    module name is "sandbox/cayenne-jpa". It is an Eclipse project that
    depends on cayenne-java and cayenne-java-1.5 projects.

    This is a starting point of the JPA provider implementation. It
    already has a spec-compliant configuration and bootstrapping
    mechanism. Note that JPA stack can operate with or without a
    container. I started collaborating with Geronimo (specifically
    OpenEJB) folks on pieces that are shared between the both modes of
    operation. If we move quickly, we will be in a good position to offer
    Cayenne as a default JPA provider to Geronimo.

    Producing quality 1.2 release is a current top priority to me, so the
    only way we can move quickly is if someone else volunteers to work on
    the provider. If you are interested in doing Cayenne JPA work, please
    speak up!

    The first major task that needs to be done now is to write a non-
    compliant javax.persistence.EntityManager facade to the current
    Cayenne stack. It should be able to work in a standalone mode (via

    For javax.persistence spec sources see "cayenne-jpa" project.


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