Re: Cayenne JPA + Maven

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 13:45:43 EST

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: modeler file open history"

    > And I (as a user) would like to see Cayenne "just working". Really, "just working", nothing more :).
    > All other extra things that make the first and most important thing of "just working" less reliable
    > or less functional or a PITA should not be done IMHO. If it "just works" than afterwards there's
    > still time to do all sort of ...
    A couple of observations...

    1. Maven affects no one, but those few who compile the src. Like
    Andrus, I am doubtful about its value to Cayenne but keeping an open
    mind till we can play with Bill's work.

    2. At this juncture, only cayenne-jpa is being "mavenized". The rest
    will probably follow suit if this is successful, but this is happening
    one step at a time.

    3. This has lots to do with geronimo... sounds like you don't have the
    full context of this discussion. I suggest you read the rest of the
    thread and/or the related maven/jpa threads :)

    (p.s. if it's not broken doesn't apply because its not yet created!!!)


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