Re: Cleaning up the code [Was: Re: Cayenne/Windows developer help]

From: Brian K. Wallace (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 12:48:39 EST

  • Next message: Brian K. Wallace: "Re: Cleaning up the code [Was: Re: Cayenne/Windows developer help]"

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    Is there a standard settings file controlled somewhere to aid in this? I
    personally use 3 different 'styles' to conform to project settings, so
    I'm sure what you're doing to fix warnings would botch up at least one
    of those I would normally use.

    [I looked before asking and couldn't find anything]


    Kevin Menard wrote:
    > I just went through and committed a bunch of problems I had fixed
    > locally. No doubt, there's probably more -- it's a large codebase. So,
    > if anyone else wants to take the reigns, feel free. Areas I think may
    > still need some investigation include checking declared throws clauses
    > and checking parameters for private methods. I know Andrus went through
    > and cleaned up a lot of the exception stuff after I prodded him a bit,
    > but with all the code changes, I suspect some more may have crept in.
    > In particular, there are quite a few methods that declare they throw
    > exceptions that they never do -- it'd be a matter of checking whether or
    > not this is part of the interface. I also noticed a lot of methods had
    > parameters that were never used, which is likely a byproduct of
    > implementing some interface, but I wanted to make sure none of those
    > were private methods.
    > What I did clean up was:
    > o Unnecessary casts
    > o Unnecessary semi-colons
    > o Unused variables
    > o Unused methods
    > Nothing ground-breaking here, but eclipse likes Cayenne a lot more for it.
    > --Kevin

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