Re: cayenne-jpa maven build system

From: Bill Dudney (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 17:57:18 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: cayenne-jpa maven build system"

    (sorry for the off topic bit of discussion :+) Something I think we
    should try to do on myfaces is have everyone not run them but instead
    have continuum run them then we can ignore them when building
    locally. Anyway sorry to go off topic.

    Have you seen a good M2 cheat sheet? I'll do some googling for one...


    Bill Dudney
    MyFaces -
    Wadi -

    On Mar 2, 2006, at 3:36 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > Yeah, I was just throwing out the other option since we were on the
    > topic.
    > I found it useful to not only continue even if tests fail, but
    > sometimes to stop testing at all (takes forever to get through a maven
    > install of myfaces if you build the tests every time -- better to run
    > them just before a checkin instead).
    > On 3/2/06, Bill Dudney <> wrote:
    >> Hey Mike,
    >> Thanks for pointing to that, but quick point - if you want to see the
    >> surefire reports you have to at least run some tests :-)
    >> TTFN,
    >> Bill Dudney
    >> MyFaces -
    >> Wadi -
    >> On Mar 2, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    >>> From the MyFaces wiki page, an additional test option for skipping
    >>> tests
    >>> Use the setting -Dmaven.test.skip=true if you don't want tests to
    >>> run.
    >>> Use the setting -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true if you don't
    >>> want the
    >>> build to stop if a test fails
    >>> On 3/2/06, Bill Dudney <> wrote:
    >>>> Hi All,
    >>>> Another problem - the test directory is named 'tests' instead of
    >>>> 'test' which will keep the automatic test pick up from working.
    >>>> Also - the tests are named * which will also keep the
    >>>> default
    >>>> from working.
    >>>> has the info on how to make it work for those interested.
    >>>> I've attached a pom that runs the tests. There are several failures
    >>>> though so you must tell mvn to ingore the failures like this;
    >>>> mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true surefire-report:report
    >>>> after it completes you can open;
    >>>> target/site/surefire-report.html
    >>>> to see the reports.
    >>>> let me know how it works for you...
    >>>> TTFN,
    >>>> -bd-
    >>>> On Mar 2, 2006, at 1:13 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>>>> I just refactored the JPA project to fully rely on maven pom. So
    >>>>> command line builds are now pretty simple ("mvn package"). Maven
    >>>>> still mystifies me. Working with pom is like editing a Word
    >>>>> document in vi. Although once you figure it out, it works.
    >>>>> Now you'll need a Maven Eclipse plugin to work with the project:
    >>>>> Regarding the plugin, I noticed that it overwrites JRE_LIB_15 in
    >>>>> ".classpath" when you do "Update Source Folders". Also feels like
    >>>>> alpha quality technology. If it gets too much in the way, we can
    >>>>> just define a variable pointing to the local m2 repo and switch
    >>>>> back to vanilla Eclipse.
    >>>>> I will update Wiki with the new setup requirements soon and then
    >>>>> will move on to CAY-458 - the tck. I'll probably set it up as an
    >>>>> independent m2 project, as the test fixtures setup is somewhat
    >>>>> involved.
    >>>>> M2 question to Bill or anyone more knowledgeable - how do we
    >>>>> generate an HTML report for the unit tests? Current POM seems to
    >>>>> have everything needed (judging from the docs), still no report is
    >>>>> generated on mvn test
    >>>>> Andrus

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