Ok. I was unable to make launch4j work until I pointed to the jar
files inside the launch4j install path. Pointing to a copy of the
jars in cayenne-ant/lib/windows/launch4j-2.1.1 generated errors as
follows. This appears to be because the path created to the
executables is mangled (these aren't valid mangled windows directory
names -- the real directory is
E:\workspace311\cayenne-ant\lib\windows, aka E:\WORKSP~2\CAYENN~2.)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess:
--preprocessor=type -J rc -O coff -F pe-i386
D:\DOCUME~1\mlk\LOCALS~1\Temp\launch4j18468o error=3
Using this piece of ant code appears to build.
<property name="launch4j.dir" value="E:\W2k\Launch4j"/>
<taskdef name="launch4j"
Unfortunately, the executable created doesn't appear to actually
launch, which is weird. Trying to start it using a bat file didn't
work either:
set JAVA_HOME=E:\W2k\jdk1.5.0_06
set PATH=%java_home%\bin
On 3/8/06, Mike Kienenberger <mkienen..mail.com> wrote:
> On 3/8/06, Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org> wrote:
> > Also I suspect that even if you fix the win-path-ref issue, you'd
> > still need a Windows specific version of Launch4J as there is some
> > native code involved in building the .exe
> Yes, I just realized that my "fix" was pointing at the linux directory.
> I've installed windows launch4j 2.1.1. I've copied it over into
> lib/windows/launch4j-2.1.1 mirroring what was done for mac/linux.
> One thing I noticed was that the mac/linux versions don't contain
> demo/head_src/src/web and a bunch of the top-level files. Was this
> intentional? I checked the file sizes, and the "missing" pieces in
> 2.1.1 were only a fraction of the size of the copied pieces, so I
> decided to copy over everything.
> The build still failed with the xstream NoClassDefFoundError, but I
> know that xstream is one of the jar files delivered with 2.1.1, so I
> hopefully will be able to solve this.
> I also noticed that launch4j is GPL'd software. We're going to have
> to figure out how to remove this during incubation. We can probably
> put it down as an optional system requirement for doing certain
> releases.
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