Re: On 1.2 timing

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2006 - 04:23:29 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: On 1.2 timing"

    Hi Andrus,

    does the Cayenne roadmap for 1.2 mean moving it across to apache for
    the 1.2 Final Release? (if I am reading this correctly, it sounds good
    to me).

    After the 1.2 release, will there be feature releases on this stream,
    or will it be only bug fixes? Personally as Cayenne 1.2 supports pre
    JDK 1.4, I would like to see it obtain new features, until JDK 1.5
    becomes the industry standard.

    regards Malcolm Edgar

    p.s. - having Cayenne as an Apache project will make it much easier to
    sell into client sites.

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