Re: more 1.2 thoughts

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2006 - 10:56:10 EST

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Cayenne ASF Proposal"

    I agree with Bill and Cris. We are talking about the same thing.

    > move community to apache (mailing lists etc)
    > - move code to apache
    > -- prob would be good to wait till the next M release, that
    > way we
    > have some breathing room for adjustments
    > - leave the package structure etc in place until 1.2 final
    > - post 1.2 we start repackaging the code
    > - 1.2 code remains the 'trunk' until its released


    > Maybe we could release a follow-on "1.2-apache" release that
    > introduces no new functionality, but allows users to migrate to new
    > packages now without also having to adapt to refactorings we may do.


    > By the way, does the voting process require a quorum and/or
    > unanimous voting?

    I think lazy consensus is required for most things. It won't be
    feasible to require a 100% vote on a volunteer project.


    On Mar 10, 2006, at 6:18 PM, Cris Daniluk wrote:

    > I'm +52 on leaving the package names in tact for 1.2.. though I'm
    > totally biased. I am releasing a major application w/1.2 M11 today,
    > and branched for release yesterday. If there were a package rename,
    > I couldn't justify that serious level of effort to update packages
    > on a release branch just to get a more stable version of Cayenne,
    > as awkward as that is :)
    > On the other hand, doing the package rename in conjunction with
    > feature changes may be a burden. Acegi just did this - 1.0 changed
    > all packages, PLUS changed tons of features. It was an annoying and
    > frustrating process.
    > Maybe we could release a follow-on "1.2-apache" release that
    > introduces no new functionality, but allows users to migrate to new
    > packages now without also having to adapt to refactorings we may do.
    > By the way, does the voting process require a quorum and/or
    > unanimous voting?
    > Cris
    > On 3/10/06, Bill Dudney <> wrote:Hi All,
    > I mailed Dave of (the roller weblog stuff driving
    > The Roller community recently made the move into the
    > incubator so I wanted to get his take on making releases once in the
    > incubator.
    > The general feel was 'overall not a big deal', some things in the
    > process slow down releases but not by much. The process goes about
    > like this;
    > - the roller developers work towards a release (code, test etc)
    > - the roller developers vote for a release
    > - once the developers confirm they ask the incubator pmc to vote (i
    > think that happens on genera..ncubator)
    > - once approved to do a release the roller community does its thing
    > and puts the release stuff (bin, src etc) on
    > - roller has to include somewhere in the download that 'this stuff is
    > not official apache released software yet'
    > From the incubator status page it looks like the roller community
    > has moved their code to apache svn but has kept their jira and wiki
    > separate for now.
    > The roller community has also kept the org.roller package names for
    > the time being. So for the 1.2 time frame we could keep our package
    > names in place.
    > So all that what it boils down to (from what I can tell anyway) is
    > that we can do the 1.2 release with the old package names.
    > Here is a straw-man proposal for an approach, not in order just
    > thoughts...
    > - move community to apache (mailing lists etc)
    > - move code to apache
    > -- prob would be good to wait till the next M release, that
    > way we
    > have some breathing room for adjustments
    > - leave the package structure etc in place until 1.2 final
    > - post 1.2 we start repackaging the code
    > - 1.2 code remains the 'trunk' until its released
    > Thoughts,
    > Bill Dudney
    > MyFaces -
    > Wadi -

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