Hi All,
Noticed this from yesterday on the infra mailing list. I don't think
Pier's solution will do what we want but it at least gives insight
into why ASF does not want Confluence running on their servers.
I am going to ask about trying to set up confluence on a zone...
P.S. Sorry for the forward instead of a url pointer, I could not find
an archive of infrastructur..pache...
Bill Dudney
MyFaces - http://myfaces.apache.org
Cayenne - http://incubator.apache.org/projects/cayenne.html
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Pier Fumagalli <pie..etaversion.org>
> Date: March 18, 2006 6:22:43 PM MST
> To: Apache Infrastructure <infrastructur..pache.org>
> Subject: Confluence take 2
> DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER! :-) Please, read below before you flame
> the bejesus out of me!
> Folks, I can understand why you people don't want to run Confluence
> on the ASF servers (yep, it's a hog, as big as Jira), but a lot of
> people want it, so, rather than ranting about all its benefits,
> some months ago I went to the drawing board and started trying to
> fix the problem...
> I think that what we want is a wiki that isn't going to kill the
> entire server when Slashdot points to it (or at least, that's what
> I feel is the main concern), and that even if it's down, well, at
> least the content and the doccos are up and visible.
> I've used Confluence for years now and I can understand why lots of
> people want to use it, but having to administer my servers, well, I
> feel your pain! When I started my "fix" I had a chat with Jeff and
> I showed him what I came out with, and this weekend I met Mads, and
> he re-confirmed me that I was going in the right direction...
> So, what's this all about? Well, I wrote a small confluence plugin
> <http://could.it/confluence-autoexport-plugin.html> called
> "AutoExport". What it does is that it listens to update/create/
> remove events within confluence and exports (or better
> synchronizes) the content in confluence with a set of files on a
> disk, so that they can be served by Apache (it rewrites links in
> the HTML, exports attachments, pre-processes thumbnails,
> everything)...
> Basically if you look at "http://could.it/", it's all backed by
> Confluence itself, but it's served directly by Apache from the
> disk. Confluence uses 64 megs of ram (the JVM is limited) and
> unless someone is editing something, it's doing absolutely nothing
> (the only "extra" thing it does, is that when a page is saved, a
> file is written on the disk using Velocity).
> And it's easy to install/configure/use... I've made my "sales
> pitch" for the Atlassian Codegeist <http://confluence.atlassian.com/
> display/CODEGEIST/AutoExport+for+Confluence> (you can see some
> screenshot, read some of the features).
> Now, I want to be bold and install it on for the ASF. I can open up
> my server if people want but I only have a 2 megs synchronous pipe
> (it's not a crappy ADSL, but still, it's only 2 Megs). Otherwise,
> if someone is nice enough to give me a root password, I was
> thinking to install it directly on one of the ASF's servers (I was
> thinking Ajax, Mads mentioned Brutus this weekend).
> My idea is to lock-down the entire confluence wiki to those people
> with the right to edit the documents (basically the committers on
> the projects willing to use Confluence) and to allow anonymous
> access _only_ through the auto-exported content (that's what I do
> on http://Could.IT , you the only thing you can see of Confluence
> itself without a password is the login page http://could.it/wiki/ )
> So, what do you think? Shall we give it a try? I've been running
> this for roughly two months now, and it works nicely. I'm coming
> out with it only now because the Atlassian CodeGeist forced me to
> clean up the code and to make all those usability improvements that
> were lacking on the old version (template editing through the
> browser, nice configuration integrated with Confluence, blablabla).
> Pier
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