I would just use the sniffer to set the HSQLDBAdapter in the correct state,
rather than create two versions... because a lot of our HSQLDB support is
weak in both 1.7 and 1.8, and it would be annoying to have to double-apply
any enhancements we make - particularly in stored procedure land.
Re the schema creation, that could be a problem. Because there can be table
overlap between schemas, that could lead to really confusing behavior. Maybe
we could use the default schema for the map?
On 4/4/06, Mike Kienenberger <mkienen..mail.com> wrote:
> Ok. This is looking as simple as reversing my changes in the original
> issue (http://objectstyle.org/jira/browse/CAY-305) and allowing the
> default behavior to prefix the table with a schema name.
> Shall I assume that the user will manually create the schema in
> HSQLDB? I'm guessing that's what we do for Oracle.
> One thing I do notice is that the AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table is created in
> the default (PUBLIC for HSQLDB) schema, but I guess there's no
> reasonable default one could assume short of creating multiple
> AUTO_PK_SUPPORT TABLEs, one for each schema.
> Also, I'm considering using "HSQLDBNoSchemaAdapter extends
> HSQLDBAdapter" as the old behavior. I don't really like the name
> HSQLDBAdapter17. Opinions?
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