Mailing lists

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Apr 08 2006 - 12:05:43 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CAY-488"

    On Apr 8, 2006, at 7:45 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > Looks like it was stripped. Someone from infra suggested that we ask
    > on the incubator list to have our mailing list preferences changed.

    Ok... I have a few more list related requests, so maybe we should
    combine them in a single Jira issue, post it to the Infra Jira and cc
    to the incubator.

    The biggest issue so far is the moderation. Our old list simply
    bounced posts from addresses that are not subscribed, and it worked
    extremely well. Current setup sends those emails to me and Bill for
    moderation (approval or rejection). Of course all of those messages
    are spam. I received 96 moderation spams since March 28. So the
    moderation has to be replaced with bounces.

    I haven't brought it up yet, cause there is one case where we need
    moderation - emails from jira are coming from jira- (and will soon change to a jira address
    @apache)...bjectStyle Jira address is setup to be allowed to post,
    but not receive messages from the list. I have no idea how to set it
    up in our new list without a shell access to the box running the
    list. So I am waiting till the jira is switched.

    So a question to our mentors and current Apache committers. Does it
    mean that we will need to bother someone every time wit such small
    admin requests? I wonder at what point and how can we get infra carma
    to do such things ourselves and make everyone's life easier?


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