Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> On 4/8/06, Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org> wrote:
> ...
>>I wonder at what point and how can we get infra carma
>>to do such things ourselves and make everyone's life easier?
> I'm told it's the same way as any other -- meritocracy -- However, I
> don't know how someone earns merit doing sysadmin work without doing
> some first!
Here's a page on how to become an infra volunteer:
http://www.apache.org/dev/infra-volunteer.html .
http://incubator.apache.org/guides/committer.html has tips for new
committers in the incubator. As soon as you have your apache account,
subscribe to infrastructur..pache.org . Start by listening, then start
building merit by responding to any questions you can answer.
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