docs sample

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Mon Apr 17 2006 - 10:51:10 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: docs sample"

    Resending this for the nth time after having the attachment rejected as

    With b2 impending, I thought I'd share the current state of the docs. I've
    retooled a lot... the attempt to use integrate with the anakia templates wa=
    a waste of time. The way it handles the TOC generation is a bit limiting.
    So, I've just combined a simple velocity template with a whole bunch of
    regexp loving to get to where we're at now. I'm sure a more elegant solutio=
    exists, but being as we have to get this thing done, and being as any Apach=
    mandates might change how we do this, I didn't want to go crazy :)

    There were a lot of interesting issues, as we basically had to post-process
    the Confluence-rendered HTML to rewrite different types of links. The
    attached docs still have an issue with cross-linking to other documents (it
    can link to child docs but not across the tree). There is also a cute
    rendering bug in IE on the toc (border shows inside the bullets). All quick
    fixes, but I wanted to get what's done out there for comment.

    I also put a little hack in to specify page ordering - within an {excerpt}
    on a page, you can specify the sort order you would like for children. I've
    already included this on the User Guide page. Confluence doesn't honor it o=
    course, but the static export does.

    Also, I scrapped the existing doc template in favor of something more
    consistent with the Confluence documentation format. It is all velocity/css
    styled though, so we can easily move back if anyone objects. Let me know
    what you guys think.


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Mon Apr 17 2006 - 10:51:35 EDT