Moving JPA code to ASF subversion

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Apr 25 2006 - 11:13:11 EDT

  • Next message: Brian McCallister: "Re: Moving JPA code to ASF subversion"

    Just in time before Apache subversion went down (http:// I was able to verify that I can indeed
    commit code, so I started moving the JPA code from SourceForge to
    Apache. Actually the code is already in, and svn went down when I was
    doing package renaming. I'll send a note when I finish the code move.

    On an unrelated note, I just deployed Subversion on
    server for our other projects who got too frustrated with SourceForge
    performance. From the sysadmin perspective SVN is really cool - I was
    able to tie in Jira accounts to SVN, so Jira interface is now used
    for centralized user and group management.


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