Re: Maven Site? [Was: Free Maven 2 Book]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon May 01 2006 - 21:03:58 EDT

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    Actually I already started down this path some time ago after
    studying the Incubator docs - I checked in a redirecting .htaccess to
    subversion and checked it out on the server (so now http:// is a working url).

    I guess the next step would be organizing those few Anakia-built
    pages that make up the static site in a Maven project and moving them
    to SVN. I don't see a problem checking in the generated pages to SVN
    - makes deployment easier.

    So Bill or Jean, whoever has time to do that, please go ahead.

    BTW, there is one "dynamic" piece - the mailing list archive. The
    archive is generated by hypermail and message counters are reset by a
    Perl script that receives the archive emails. I know all Apache
    projects use a separate archive (and new Cayenne lists are archived
    there as well), so I guess we can keep archives on ObjectStyle.


    On May 1, 2006, at 7:32 PM, Jean T. Anderson wrote:

    > I can help with logistical stuff on the end.
    > Typically, pages are composed using whatever the project desires, and
    > built pages get checked into subversion. An 'svn checkout' on
    > 'publishes' the web site (and 'svn up' publishes any
    > updates).
    > At first it struck me as kind of weird that anyone would check built
    > pages into subversion. The rationale is if the machine hosting the web
    > server dies, a replacement can be brought it, then infra can republish
    > project web sites with series of 'svn co'.
    > That much said, not all projects check in built pages. One example is
    > the db project site, which gets published via a "maven site:deploy".
    > -jean
    > Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> Since we now can migrate the web site to Apache, maybe we should
    >> investigate what it takes to build a maven site. The requirements to
    >> the site would be:
    >> * Preserve the current Cayenne skin
    >> * Include doc sections for different releases.
    >> Any volunteers to look into that?
    >> FYI, the current web site sources are separate from the main source
    >> tree in CVS:
    >> Andrus
    >> On Apr 28, 2006, at 2:54 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>> You guys probably already saw this, but if not, I'm including
    >>> the TSS
    >>> link:
    >>> I've only read through the first chapter, so I can't comment
    >>> much on
    >>> its utility yet. I can say that it looks like the book was not
    >>> edited all that well and that they make some rather large,
    >>> unsubstantiated claims. If you can get past these things
    >>> though, it
    >>> looks to be a fairly easy read that may be useful to those of us
    >>> just
    >>> getting introduced to Maven.
    >>> --
    >>> Kevin

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