Re: Bug in auto-DC registration?

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Thu May 04 2006 - 17:37:19 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Bug in auto-DC registration?"


    Were you able to give this any consideration yet? I know you've been busy
    with the JPA stuff, so if not, it's understandable.

    If my comments weren't clear enough in the test case what appears to be
    happening is that given objects A, B, & C, where A's class has
    relationships with both the classes of B & C:

    1) Set up relationship between A & B, where at least one is registered
    with a given DC.
            -- Relationship is set up fine in the object store

    2) Unregister A.
            -- All relationships with A are removed from the object store
            -- If you call A.getB(), you get B, even though the object store has a
    null value for that relationship

    3) Set up relationship between A & C.
            -- A is auto-registered with C's context
            -- Object store is updated with relationship between A & C
            -- Object store is not updated with relationship between A & B

    4) Commit A.
            -- Relationship between A & C is persisted while the one between A & B is
            -- A still thinks it has established relationships with B & C.

    Hopefully that made sense.


    On Wed, 03 May 2006 09:59:03 -0400, Kevin Menard <> wrote:

    > Okay, test has been committed to > org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.ObjectStoreTst. If you agree that it's > an issue, I'll file a JIRA issue. Regardless of whether I'm doing > something wrong in my workflow, I think Cayenne is still behaving > improperly in reporting and recording different object graphs. >

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