Re: CGLib help

From: Jeff Genender (
Date: Thu May 11 2006 - 09:28:59 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: how to remove object from context ?"

    Hi Andrus,

    My complete apologies...

    I am heads down trying to get Geronimo 1.1 out the door.


    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > So Jeff, any word on that? It would be nice if we could show something
    > at JavaOne, but if it doesn't work out, oh well...
    > Andrus
    > On May 4, 2006, at 9:19 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:
    >> Hi Andrus,
    >> I would be honored to help I think Bill would too...
    >> Is how you described it the full issue?
    >> Jeff
    >> Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>> I need some help with CGLib. It is great for proxies, but our enhancer
    >>> changes the actual class instead of making a proxied subclass. Such
    >>> scenario is a pain... Maybe Jeff or someone else has an idea how to
    >>> implement the enhancing code below?
    >>> Basically I am trying to inject code calling a static delegate method in
    >>> three places:
    >>> 1. Property getter start: DataObjectDelegate.beforeGetProperty
    >>> 2. Property setter start: DataObjectDelegate.beforeSetProperty
    >>> 3. Property setter end: DataObjectDelegate.afterSetProperty
    >>> I was able to implement a simpler case of creating synthetic properties
    >>> with getters and setters (InterfaceMethodInjector), but got stuck with
    >>> this one (see TODO's on the DataObjectAccessorInjector). I suspect we'll
    >>> have to use ASM for that, but if anyone can figure a CGlib solution,
    >>> please let me know.
    >>> Andrus

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