Hey Andrus,
I spent the bulk of my time investigating ASM route and I don't see a
straightforward way to do the injection. Creating new methods is
straightforward but injecting method calls around the original method
is not so straightforward.
Any ideas how that might work?
On May 16, 2006, at 10:22 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> Bill,
> This confirms my suspicion that CGlib was not designed for such
> use. Probably we may need to try using ASM directly. But of course
> if anyone can get in touch with CGlib folks, it would be nice to
> doublecheck with them.
> Andrus
> On May 16, 2006, at 1:50 AM, Bill Dudney wrote:
>> Hi Andrus,
>> Sorry I'm still not done.
>> I've been searching and hacking for way to long now to try to get
>> this code in. The basic problem is that like you I could not find
>> a way to wrap the original implementation of the method using the
>> CGLib implementation path that exists in the rest of the code. It
>> appears to be easy with the Enhancer API.
>> I prefer your approach to the Enhancer but I'm at a loss as to how
>> to make it work. I'll try to get some more time tomorrow to look
>> at it but I'm going to be very busy doing J1 stuff.
>> Does anyone know if the CGLib folks are on IRC anywhere?
>> TTFN,
>> -bd-
>> On May 4, 2006, at 7:15 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>>> I need some help with CGLib. It is great for proxies, but our
>>> enhancer changes the actual class instead of making a proxied
>>> subclass. Such scenario is a pain... Maybe Jeff or someone else
>>> has an idea how to implement the enhancing code below?
>>> Basically I am trying to inject code calling a static delegate
>>> method in three places:
>>> 1. Property getter start: DataObjectDelegate.beforeGetProperty
>>> 2. Property setter start: DataObjectDelegate.beforeSetProperty
>>> 3. Property setter end: DataObjectDelegate.afterSetProperty
>>> I was able to implement a simpler case of creating synthetic
>>> properties with getters and setters (InterfaceMethodInjector),
>>> but got stuck with this one (see TODO's on the
>>> DataObjectAccessorInjector). I suspect we'll have to use ASM for
>>> that, but if anyone can figure a CGlib solution, please let me know.
>>> Andrus
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