Could you possibly submit patch (attach it to CAY-550) with a unit
test that demonstrates the problem - I'll run it on SQLServer.
On May 20, 2006, at 3:45 PM, �yvind Harboe wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 13:34 -0400, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> Other adapters address trailing space problem by some combination of
>> a trimming CharType and TrimmingQualifierTranslator (see
>> SybaseAdapter and SQLServerAdapter):
> I see this problem w/MS SQL server as well as MS Access. I suspect the
> same problem exists with all database types and further that this
> problem has nothing to do with trimming trailing space of database
> fields.
> The primary key is a VARCHAR, so I believe that Cayenne is correctly
> translating the VARCHAR to have a trailing space.
> The primary key(VARCHAR) in my case is stored *without* the trailing
> space. The reference to the primary key in other tables sometimes
> have a trailing space which is where the trouble starts since WHERE
> "foo"="foo<SPACE>" will yield a match, whereas ObjectId will not
> yield
> a match in this case.
>> From my limited understanding of the finer points of Cayenne & SQL, I
> can arrive at no other conclusion than that ObjectId's concept of
> equality should match that of SQL's concept of equality in a WHERE
> clause.
> --
> �yvind Harboe
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