Re: What next?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed May 24 2006 - 14:06:49 EDT

  • Next message: Garrett Rooney: "Re: What next?"

    This depends on the project type - when you are enhancing the
    existing code, this is manageable. When you are writing a new
    application, using small patches is doable but not practical - it
    will generate lots of noise.


    On May 24, 2006, at 2:00 PM, Garrett Rooney wrote:

    > On 5/24/06, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    >> We have one proposal (cayenne-ropwsdl) where this totally makes sense
    >> - the module being developed will be a part of Cayenne core and we
    >> can't give the student access to the main repo.
    >> The other two are standalone applications that use Cayenne as a
    >> library. So the patch would simply include all files and won't have
    >> any diffs of the existing files. That'll work too of course, still I
    >> would also want a student to use some kind of code repository
    >> (SourceForge, Apache sandbox, ObjectStyle) to keep the intermediate
    >> work, instead of synching patches to the repo every day or him/her
    >> doing the work locally for extended periods of time.
    >> So how about a combination approach:
    >> 1. Setup an outside repo where a student can commit, and everybody
    >> else can browse the code
    >> 2. A student would submit the 'milestone' patches via Jira (generated
    >> from the external repo)
    >> 3. A mentor would review them and commit to the Apache repo
    >> This way we are not taking any shortcuts and reduce the burden on
    >> mentors and students.
    > Personally, I don't see why the student can't just work via patches.
    > If they want to use some sort of version control for managing their
    > work before it's committed that's their perogative, but their mentor
    > should really be making sure that they're sending in small, digestible
    > patches that can be applied to the source tree, rather than producing
    > huge milestones outside the tree that are impossible to review when
    > they're finally checked in because they're just too damn big.
    > -garrett

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