Re: VARCHAR and trailing space

From: �yvind Harboe (
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 13:34:24 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: VARCHAR and trailing space"

    On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 10:36 -0400, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > VARCHARs normally should not be trimmed (at least not by the
    > framework). It as assumed that database does not pad VARCHARs with
    > spaces, as this goes against the definition of VARCHAR (unlike CHARs
    > where the behavior is undefined). So trailing spaces are assumed to
    > have meaning to the user.

    Good. This lines up with my understanding.

    > This is why I was surprised by your report
    > that MS Access does in fact pads VARCHARs. Maybe it simply doesn't
    > support this data type?

    NB!!! MS SQL server behaves the same way as MS Access. NB!!!

    In my tests HSQLDB will not yield a match for WHERE "foo"="foo<space>"

    As far as I can tell MS Access supports VARCHAR just fine.

    �yvind Harboe

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