Re: Cayenne Eclipse Plugin

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Mon May 29 2006 - 17:30:54 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "B4 and then RC?"

    On 5/29/06, �yvind Harboe <> wrote:
    > More wishes:
    > - Browse database
    > - Execute Cayenne queries in database browser.

    Just out of curiosity... if this is an Eclipse plugin, why do things
    that Eclipse already can? There are a million SQL plugins out there..
    QuantumDB and SQLExplorer are two good ones, for example. Similarly,
    XML editing is already out there...

    If we're in the modeler, some of this stuff could certainly be cool,
    but if we're in an Eclipse plugin, we should take advantage of all
    Eclipse has to offer. Particularly since we only have a summer's worth
    of resources to work on it ;)


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