On the technical side, I think it is great that RC1 hasn't had a wealth
of glitches reported. This speaks highly of all the hard work Andrus
and others have done.
On the more process-oriented side, the sooner we go "final" the sooner
the cutover to the Apache namespace can be done and then release 2.0.
This is something that needs to be done before trying to complete the
incubation process. Obviously, this shouldn't drive the decision to
make 1.2 final, but is something to keep in mind.
Thanks everyone!
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Menard [mailto:kmenar..ervprise.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:28 PM
To: cayenne-de..ncubator.apache.org
Subject: Next Step?
The first RC has been out for about a week and a half. Some minor
seem to have come up on the users list, but nothing earth shattering
I can see. So, what's the end game here? Are we cutting an RC2 or just
going with the final release?
I'm not trying to be pushy, but I would like to avoid two months of RCs
like Eclipse does ;-)
-- Kevin
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