Stable branch is created, any word on CLA's?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Jul 14 2006 - 17:02:18 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Stable branch is created, any word on CLA's?"

    I just forked a stable branch.


    You can go ahead and convert the trunk to Apache package naming.
    We'll have to hold off with any header changes though. We have CLA's
    on file for:

    * Holger Hoffstätte
    * Michael Shengaout
    * Garry Watkins
    * Craig Miskell

    We don't for:

    * Andriy Shapochka (any classes that have Ashwood imports are his
    sole contribution; he did lots of other things in Cayenne, such as
    batch query code, but I am fairly sure that after the refactoring and
    rewriting of the last two years, I can safely claim copyright to all
    of this code).
    * Fabricio Voznika (Cayenne validation code)
    * Natalya Kholodnaya (DVModeler)


    all 3 of these folks (except for Natalya - I heard that she might
    have done it ... or not) have confirmed that they sent the CLA's
    (Fabricio did it twice). Could you doublecheck whether the ASF
    received them please?

    Finally, a list of other contributors that I just dug up in the
    sources. Most submissions were patches sent to a commiter or
    submitted via a bug tracker.

    * Dirk Olmes - Events package. All the submissions where done through
    * Travis Cripps - EOModel reverse engineering patches
    * Scott Finnerty - Configuration patches
    * Gary Jarrel - web app filter (I moved around/rewrote many parts of
    it, and it is fairly trivial)
    * Mario Linke - DB2 adapter patches)
    * Heiko Wenzel - FirebirdAdapter - trivial and actually broken
    * Anton Sakalouski - PDF docs. This is a support code used to convert
    the docs to PDF... We are not actually using it now with the switch
    to Confluence.

    So let's probably hold off any changes to the headers until we
    clarify the situation with the three CLA's above. But let's still do
    the package conversion, and if the header issue does not resolve
    itself in a week or so, we can put 2.0 on the branch, and open up the
    head for 3.0 check ins. And then go to the Incubator PMC to work on a

    How is that for a plan?


    On Jul 13, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Jean T. Anderson wrote:
    > Gentry, Michael (Contractor) wrote:
    >> +1 to Cayenne 1.2 Final.
    >> I'll have to warm up some macros to convert headers and package
    >> names to
    >> ASF. Speaking of which, is there a header we should be using for
    >> 2.0?
    > The ASF has a new policy for source file headers [1]. Final email
    > hasn't
    > been sent to committer.. but will be soon [2].
    > -jean
    > [1]
    > 200606.mbox/
    > or
    > [2]
    > 200607.mbox/%
    > or
    >> Also, for package names, will org.objectstyle be replaced with
    >> org.apache? (No other designation.)
    >> Thanks!
    >> /dev/mrg

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