On Jul 22, 2006, at 11:29 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> * create a separate Eclipse project called "rop-browser-server"
> that depends on "rop-browser"
> * move server classes to the server project and remove "excludes"
> from the client src folder
> * move the server jars to the server project
> * in the server project create a folder that mimics the structure
> of a deployed web application, e.g. "webapp/WEB-INF"
> * move "web.xml" to WEB-INF.
Missed a few items:
* move all Cayenne mappings to a server *source* folder (same or
separate from "src").
* to still be able to build things with Ant, you can either create a
parent folder of both projects and put the scripts there, or just use
separate build files for the client and server.
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