As far as I can tell there is a bug in
ExpressionFactory.*matchAllExp*(java.util.Map map, int type).
With a map of keys and values, an exception will always arise here:
Thread [main] (Suspended)
ASTAnd(AggregateConditionNode).jjtAddChild(Node, int) line: 120
ASTAnd(SimpleNode).setOperand(int, Object) line: 187
ExpressionFactory.matchAllExp(Map, int) line: 298
jjtAddChild throws an exception whenNode is not of type ConditionNode or
AggregateConditionNode. However, the Node parameter is just the Object
parameter from setOperand, which is called from matchAllExp as:
exp.setOperand(0, new ASTObjPath(entry.getKey()));
Where entry.getKey() is the object path (in my case just the name of an
object attribute). ASTObjPath is not of the correct type, so an
exception is thrown everytime, regardless of what entry.getKey() happens
to be.
Folks with more experience? I'll try just stringing my own expression
together for now.
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