Fwd: Incubator Lightning Talks at ApacheCon US?

From: Andrus Adamchik (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Wed Sep 06 2006 - 05:14:18 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Dudney: "Re: Incubator Lightning Talks at ApacheCon US?"


    FYI: if anyone is going to ApacheCon US, this is a good opportunity
    for informal introduction of Cayenne. Sort of an "elevator pitch". I
    am not very good at doing those, but I am not going anyways :-) If
    somebody wants to do such presentation (time may be decreased from 15
    to 5 minutes, there is a discussion on the incubator list now), just
    drop a note to genera..ncubator.apache.org.


    Begin forwarded message:

    > From: Justin Erenkrantz <justi..renkrantz.com>
    > Date: September 6, 2006 12:14:03 PM GMT+04:00
    > To: genera..ncubator.apache.org
    > Subject: Incubator Lightning Talks at ApacheCon US?
    > Reply-To: genera..ncubator.apache.org
    > Hiya everyone,
    > At ApacheCon US in Austin next month, we're scheduled to have a two-
    > hour block
    > for "Incubator Lightning Talks." (Thursday 4:30-6:30pm)
    > This time is roughly to do as "we" see fit.
    > Our initial idea was to have short (15-min?) talks about as many
    > podlings as we
    > can fit in to the timeslot. Tell us what the project is about, who is
    > involved, why I should download it, etc, etc. You've got 15
    > minutes to
    > convince a room full of Apache folks to contribute to your
    > project. Go forth.
    > Do folks here agree that this is a good idea?
    > Do we have any volunteers to help coordinate this?
    > Do we have podlings that are interested in presenting?
    > All things considered, I'd give priority to already accepted and
    > active
    > podlings; but if someone has a proposal they'd like to discuss and
    > we have
    > space for it, that's cool too. Heck, if a full ASF project wants
    > to get up
    > there, that's fine by me, too. (I don't have a clue what a bunch
    > of TLPs are
    > actually up to anyway...)
    > Note that no financial assistance will be provided to speakers in this
    > lightning session - so you do have to get to Austin on your own.
    > Thanks! -- justin

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