Green light for 2.0.1

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Sep 17 2006 - 18:46:29 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Green light for 2.0.1"

    I just closed all remaining IP issues and looks like we are good to
    go with 2.0.1 release. In the next few days (or maybe later tonight)
    I'll make sure that all the right documentation and LICENSE/NOTICE
    files are packaged. In the meantime I wanted to confirm the release
    procedure, as this is our first release through the incubator, and
    this page is is just a big TODO:

    1. A release manager (me) posts the release files on
    2. Internal vote and review within the project starts (who has a
    binding vote? PPMC or all committers? I'd say each committer should
    get a vote).
    3. Once we pass that (72 hours??), we start the vote on the Incubator
    list (how many votes do we need there?)
    4. Once we get through that, we post the release on Apache mirrors

    Appreciate any insight on that while I am finishing item (1).


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