[REVIEW] Cayenne 2.0.1-incubating release

From: Jean T. Anderson (jt..ristowhill.com)
Date: Mon Sep 18 2006 - 22:38:16 EDT

  • Next message: Jean T. Anderson: "Re: [REVIEW] Cayenne 2.0.1-incubating release"

    I don't want to get in the way of the VOTE itself, so I thought I'd
    start a separate thread for review comments.

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > * release files: http://people.apache.org/~aadamchik/release/2.0.1/
    > * release 2.0.1 is a full ASF-compliant equivalent of a non-ASF Cayenne
    > 1.2.1.
    > * the release has no known IP issues
    > * the release has no (L)GPL or other incompatible license dependencies
    > * the release is compliant with Apache guidelines (NOTICE, DISCLAIMER,
    > LICENSE files placement, "incubating" in the naming).
    > Would be great to catch any inconsistencies now, before we send it out
    > for the Incubator PMC vote.

    There's a handy licensing tool here (derby just used this for the recent
    license updating, which is how I found out about it):

    If you run it in practice mode (-p) it doesn't actually do anything but
    provides a report of what needs to be done; e.g. here's what I just did:

       insert_license.pl -p /opt/Apache/cayenne-2.0.1-incubating/src >&

    Here's the summary at the end of that cayenne.log output:

       Total 1080 text files were investigated.
       New licenses would be inserted in 40 files.
       Skipped 1027 files with an existing license:
        (Apache v2.0=0, v2.0a=0, v2.0b=1025)
        (Apache v1.2=0, v1.1=0, v1.0=0)
        (Other=1, PublicDomain=1)
       Skipped 1 XML files with missing XML Declaration.

       Ignored 2 files of specified type (.dcl .ent .pen .properties .ant
    .tmpl NoExtension)
       Skipped 11 files of unknown type.

       WARNING: 5 files had another license as well as the new
       Apache v2.0 license. (Scan the log output for lines with "WARN: dual".)

       List of unknown filename extensions and ignored filename extensions:
       (Add new fileTypes to this script if you want them to be catered for.)
       .classpath=3 .jjt=1 .log=1 .prefs=4 .project=3 .properties=5 .vm=8

       List of all unique filename extensions:
       .classpath=3 .html=35 .java=986 .jj=1 .jjt=1 .jsp=4 .log=1 .prefs=4
       .project=3 .properties=5 .txt=2 .vm=8 .xml=27

       Finished practice run.

    I'm attaching the complete "cayenne.log" report just in case any of the
    "New licenses would be inserted in 40 files." and "WARNING: 5 files had
    another license as well as the new" reports amount to anything.



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