Re: [VOTE] Cayenne 2.0.1-incubating release

From: Bill Dudney (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2006 - 03:43:48 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [VOTE] Cayenne 2.0.1-incubating release"

    -1 because of #3 & potentially #4

    here are a few of things that I noticed;

    1) the .sh files in the bin directory are not executable
    2) the jar names in the lib dir do not have 'incubating' in the name
    - this might be an issue with the incubator pmc but we do have
    'incubating' in the root of the directory structure so it's probably ok
    3) i could not find the jgoodies, jdom, ongl, scopemvc or hsqldb
    license files or references anywhere. From what I could find here;

    it looks to me like we need to explicitly point out that this stuff
    is not from apache

    I looked at the struts release (1.3.5) and they simply put a pointer
    to the antlr site from their NOTICE file which I think will be good...

    4) the jar files don't have LICENSE & NOTICE files in the META-INF
    folder - it could be unimportant for these jars as they are not
    shipped separately, but the maven repo probably needs them (and yes I
    need to get that done)

    I'm open to a +1 cause it runs like a champ. but this legal stuff is
    important and I'd hate for our first incubating release to get
    smacked :-)

    Thanks again Andrus for all your hard work on this!



    On Sep 18, 2006, at 7:46 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Committers and PPMC members, please review and vote on Cayenne
    > 2.0.1-incubating release.
    > [ ] +1 Go ahead with the release
    > [ ] 0 Don't know or care
    > [ ] -1 Reject the release (explain why)
    > * release files:
    > * release 2.0.1 is a full ASF-compliant equivalent of a non-ASF
    > Cayenne 1.2.1.
    > * the release has no known IP issues
    > * the release has no (L)GPL or other incompatible license dependencies
    > * the release is compliant with Apache guidelines (NOTICE,
    > DISCLAIMER, LICENSE files placement, "incubating" in the naming).
    > Would be great to catch any inconsistencies now, before we send it
    > out for the Incubator PMC vote.
    > Thanks
    > Andrus

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