Re: Modeler extensions point

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Sep 29 2006 - 15:42:13 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Modeler extensions point"


    we have this entire big thing in the queue for 3.0 - switching
    CayenneModeler to a plugin engine. If you search the mailing list,
    you'll find long heated discussions about it throughout the summer.

    So I suggest to avoid checking in any ad hoc plugin functionality
    until the engine is in place. Or even better - let's get the plugin
    engine going for real.


    On Sep 29, 2006, at 3:34 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > I needed to add a new feature to Cayenne Modeler yesterday. The
    > primary impact was the addition of a new menu item which called my own
    > code.
    > Today, I went through and tried to figure out a reasonable way of
    > making such an extension built-in to Cayenne, so I don't have to
    > maintain it with patches.
    > I'm not completely happy with what I have come up with, primarily
    > because it only supports one extension set, but this is what I've done
    > so far. I read a cayenneActionPluginFactory class from a system
    > property (yes, the property needs to be fully-qualified) as a method
    > on Application. Application seemed easily accessible and no worse
    > than anything else, but maybe a separate
    > CayenneActionPluginFactoryManager would make more sense.
    > If a plugin is found, I create a new Extensions top-level menu and
    > stick the actions into it in CayenneModelerFrame. In ActionManager's
    > constructor, I register the actions, and add any to the DOMAIN_ACTIONS
    > list that are domain actions (also should provide ways to do the same
    > for project, datamap, objEntity, dbEntity, Special, etc.)
    > That's the majority of the changes to support this. What I'd ideally
    > like to have happen is to figure out a way to support any number of
    > CayenneActionPluginFactory objects, and have the registration
    > automatic (maybe check each jar for a CayenneActionPluginFactory
    > config file?), but I don't know if the second option is realistic. I
    > suppose the first option could be handled by making the system
    > property a list of comma-separated classes rather than a single class.
    > public interface CayenneActionPlugin {
    > public String getActionName();
    > public CayenneAction createCayenneAction(Application application);
    > public boolean isDomainAction();
    > }
    > public interface CayenneActionPluginFactory {
    > public List getCayenneActionPluginList();
    > }
    > static CayenneActionPluginFactory cayenneActionPluginFactory =
    > null;
    > public CayenneActionPluginFactory getCayenneActionPluginFactory()
    > {
    > // TODO: retrieve somehow and allow multiple factories.
    > if (null == cayenneActionPluginFactory)
    > {
    > String pluginName =
    > System.getProperty("cayenneActionPluginFactory");
    > if (null != pluginName)
    > {
    > try {
    > cayenneActionPluginFactory =
    > (CayenneActionPluginFactory)Class.forName(pluginName).newInstance();
    > }
    > catch (InstantiationException e) {
    > logObj.error("InstantiationException error
    > instantiating cayenneActionPluginFactory", e);
    > }
    > catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    > logObj.error("IllegalAccessException error
    > instantiating cayenneActionPluginFactory", e);
    > }
    > catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    > logObj.error("ClassNotFoundException error
    > instantiating cayenneActionPluginFactory", e);
    > }
    > }
    > }
    > return cayenneActionPluginFactory;
    > }

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