events via Jetty Continuations - ideas?

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Tue Nov 14 2006 - 18:07:17 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: events via Jetty Continuations - ideas?"

    On Oct 5, 2006, at 23:15, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > I thought we might also provide an alternative event mechanism via
    > Jetty continuations (essentially a variation of polling the
    > webapp ... so the client doesn't have to be Jetty-specific),
    > simplifying the deployment significantly by removing XMPP server
    > from the picture.
    > I didn't have time to look deeply into that, but this seems very
    > promising as a default mechanism.

    This looks indeed very interesting. I guess we could create a
    ClientMessage implementation that asks the server for events. Any
    request would wait until at least one event are ready to be sent to
    the client. I do not know if it is possible to loop and wait for the
    next request or if the client would then have to send a new request.
    Anyone know how this works? If the client need to send another
    request, events can be lost..

    I do however have problems seeing how this can be a default mechanism
    for non-Continuations servlet containers. The client could poll the
    server, say, every 10 s. The non-Continuations servlet container
    would have to remember all events for the last 10 s and figure out
    which to send to polling clients. Not very nice.

    Anyone digged into this one?

      - Tore.

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