Re: Re: Re: Re: Password Encoding

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2006 - 19:32:36 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: DV Modeler"

    I've got more of the encoding done. All reads (and some writes on
    save) go through the encoder classes for the JDBC driver adapter. Two
    standard encoders supplied (plain text, rot13), but you can provide
    your own.

    * Read/write password and save into model. If using the plain text
    encoder, this is just like the current Cayenne. Although you can use
    Rot13/custom and save into the model file, too.

    * Read/write password and save to file system. Puts the password
    through the encoder and reads/writes from/to a filename you specify in
    the same location as the .xml files. You can move the external
    password file elsewhere at deploy time, though, as long as it is in
    the CLASSPATH.

    * Read password from URL. I've tested file: and http: URLs (such as
    http://localhost/~mrg/ or
    Does not write the password. If someone twists my arm enough, I might
    do it if it begins with file: prefix.

    I still haven't added running an external program to obtain the password.

    If anyone has thoughts, now would be a good time to add them. :-)



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