Re: Excel Modeler for Cayenne Web Application

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Dec 03 2006 - 14:36:12 EST

  • Next message: AFSIN BUYUKSARAC: "Re: Excel Modeler for Cayenne Web Application"

    Hi Afsin,

    Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. Timezone changes,
    Cayenne graduation voting and similar excuses :-)

    There is a bit of a language barrier (that hopefully shouldn't make
    it a show stopper). You provide the number of details, but I am still
    in the dark what this tool is going to accomplish. Could you please
    explain in a few words what the goal is? Is it to access Microsoft
    Excel spreadsheet data via Cayenne, or is it something else? Also are
    you developing (or planning to develop) it as an open source project?


    On Nov 28, 2006, at 7:16 PM, AFSIN BUYUKSARAC wrote:

    > Hello guys,
    > I want to tell about a new idea of cayenne modeling. I have changed
    > modeling with excel. Let me explain what it means.
    > Just like cayenneModeler, excel modeler collects information of db
    > tables. Each excel sheet has each table info. After that program
    > can read excel sheet by sheet.
    > Some information must be entered like sheet names,
    > But construction of sheet could be dynamic. For example I have a
    > property of "Class Name" , which holds entity name, it is just a
    > property and excel reader doesn't know where this information is
    > written in sheet. Reader has action based FireProperty classes.
    > For "Class Name" property, There exists a FireClassProperty class.
    > If there is a property, there is a xml file which includes this
    > property and points the acual place in the sheet,
    > "model.mapping.xml " file shows the way of reading sheet.
    > I calles this xml as "Meta Model of Model".
    > Any one can add an extra property and write its FireProperty action
    > easily. Program could detect some extra information is added.
    > There is a "" config file. This simple text
    > file hold data about property-action couples.
    > Like :
    > Class= excel.actions.FireClassProperty
    > So excel reader don't need to know what property exists what it
    > works as. It is just a reader. That's all.
    > At Secon stage, generating code process is startins.
    > Program has text templates like , beans, autoBeans, actions, jsps,
    > struts-config,web-xml..
    > For each template action based Generator is used.
    > generated application uses : jdbc-conn ,cayenne, struts, ajax-tags,
    > display-tags.
    > Each table has 3 jsp resource. Edit, search , display
    > some sort of technology is used like ajax display, autocomplete in
    > search texts.
    > As a future task I decided to put GWT (Google Web Toolkit) support.
    > My friend search this.
    > So this information is insufficient I know,
    > Please wait for this week.
    > But I am happy to say that after generating code, there is no other
    > information required to run the application. That's it.
    > You can find attachment as a zip file that includes images.
    > <>

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