Re: DVModeler in HEAD?

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Sun Feb 18 2007 - 16:10:17 EST

  • Next message: Ahmed Mohombe: "Re: DVModeler in HEAD?"

    Hi Ahmed & co,

    I would like to pick up DVModeler going forward, but I have a bunch of
    stuff to do before I can get around to it.

    While I think annotations, and entity properties can provide some of
    this stuff, mixing up UI concerns with the entity model is wrong. This
    is where the DV adding a layer over the top is a great idea.

    regards Malcolm

    On 2/19/07, Ahmed Mohombe <> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > The DVModeler doesn't seem to be in the HEAD (as of 3.0) anymore, only the dataview.* classes.
    > When will be they added to the HEAD?
    > Or is this the end of DataView?
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Ahmed.

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