Re: Caynne with Geronimo NPE

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2007 - 11:32:57 EST

  • Next message: Lasantha Ranaweera: "Re: Caynne with Geronimo NPE"

    On Feb 27, 2007, at 4:37 PM, Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:

    > BTW as a solution I changed the given lines in EntityMapLoader
    > class, then
    > it goes bit further and failed in Visitor classes again.
    > ClassLoader loader = context.getTempClassLoader(); //caynne
    > existing one
    > ClassLoader loader = persistenceUnit.getClassLoader(); //my
    > soultion since

    We can't use the unit main ClassLoader at the point of loading the
    annotations, as annotations processing predates class enhancement,
    and we can't pollute the main class loader with unenhanced classes.

    > Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.ClassAnnotationProcessorFactory
    > $EntityProcessor.onStartElement
    > (
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.EntityMapAnnotationLoader.loadClassMapping
    > (
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.EntityMapLoader.loadFromAnnotations
    > (
    > at
    > org.apache.cayenne.jpa.conf.EntityMapLoader.loadEntityMap
    > (
    > ... 28 more

    I assume there is a line mismatch, and the NPE is really at line 84,
    so "element.getAnnotation(Entity.class)" returns null:

            public void onStartElement(
                     AnnotatedElement element,
                     AnnotationProcessorStack context) {
                 Entity entityAnnotation = element.getAnnotation

                 JpaEntity entity = new JpaEntity();
                 entity.setClassName(((Class) element).getName());
                 entity.setAttributes(new JpaAttributes());

                 if (!Util.isEmptyString(
    { // LINE 84
    ()); // LINE 85


    OpenEJB TemporaryClassLoader has this code that I suspect may causes
    this error?? (I can't confirm it - it works in my OpenEJB integration
    test environment):

             // Annotation classes must be loaded by the normal classloader
             if (isAnnotationClass(bytes)) {
                 return Class.forName(name, resolve, getClass

    While the bug may still be on Cayenne end, I wonder if Dain or
    somebody else from Geronimo can comment on this?


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