Re: Taking over development of DataViews

From: Adrian Wiesmann (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2007 - 07:03:15 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Taking over development of DataViews"

    > You could still do your work in your own svn
    > repository until you were ready to merge it if that was easiest for you.

    I guess this is the best way. We copy the current status of DataViews into
    our own project and feed changes back to Cayenne. There are still some
    technical questions concerning how we should integrate the DataView part
    of Cayenne into our own project, but the goal is it to keep things as they
    are and to stay as "compliant" as possible so that we can feed back our
    changes into Cayenne.

    > Although I haven't looked
    > deeply into DataViews, they appear to offer some of the same promise
    > as this approach - in fact to me they look slightly like a GUI for
    > creating SQLtemplates.

    I see them as an easy way to "paint" a list/table form or edit form during
    design time which is interpreted at runtime by the application. So I don't
    have to look after the data binding, after basic validation checks,
    paging, adding new records etc. The layout is defined by the dataview and
    is then interpreted by whatever renderer I prefer.

    > If you add GPL/LGPL code to an existing Apache licensed code base,
    > then anything you release will be usable only under the more
    > restrictive GPL/LGPL license. This means it cannot be merged back
    > into Cayenne. If possible, I think the prospect of merging your
    > improvements back to Cayenne would be a useful one.

    My problem is less in dual licencing our changes than in integrating the
    DataViews (which is Apache licence) into our own tool (which is GPL). But
    as far as I see nobody from Cayenne has a problem with us doing so and
    therefor I suggest that we integrate the DataView code into our own
    project (because this is easier for us to work on them) and when merging
    our changes with Cayenne we licence our changes under the Apache licence.
    We will probably have to change some namespaces, but that can be scripted
    and is IMHO no big problem when merging back.

    > What would be interesting is if you could clarify what your goals are
    > for DataViews. Is it just to get them working against against Cayenne
    > 3.0 or do you have some specific features you want to add?

    DataViews run without any changes on 3.0. At least in the snapshot I got.
    Our problem is that DataViews lack some functionality (no complete list
    and we currently don't need everything from here):

    - Edit form renderer (single record) instead of a list (table model). I
    want to design a DataView and then have a renderer create a form for me.
    Much in the way that I can add a DataView to a TableModel.
    - Foreign key relation editing. I need a mechanism in which a user can
    select a foreign record from a list to set as a foreign key on the current
    - Code field resolution. I need comboboxes with some human readable
    representations of codes so that I can present those comboboxes to the
    user instead of him having to enter a number or some cryptic value.
    - Dynamic fields. Sometimes there is the need to have a field which can
    only be used on one specific view. Probably some calculation which is
    never stored on the database and therefor has no representation on the
    - Foreign relations with a filter. Sometimes a list should show a field
    from a foreign key relation. But there are multiple records via the
    relation. It must then be possible to add a filter to a relation.
    - Theoretically DataViews could be used for web development as well and I
    wonder why this was not adopted before. A page could define which DataView
    to use with what kind of DataSet and a renderer could then render this
    specific webpage.

    We already added some of those features to our snapshot of Cayenne. But
    there is still much to be done and I am not sure if everybody would agree
    with our changes. And we would like to regularly switch to a new build of
    Cayenne 3.0 so that we stay current. Which means that we either have to go
    completely proprietory with our changes or integrate the DataViews and
    feed our changes back. I think everybody here agrees that the last
    procedure is OK with Cayenne. So let's start :)


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