Re: Taking over development of DataViews

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2007 - 11:05:48 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Jagielski: "Re: Taking over development of DataViews - Licenses"

    On Apr 12, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Adrian Wiesmann wrote:

    > The legaly easiest solution would be to just extract the DataView from
    > Cayenne and create a new lib licenced under the ASL.

    We can and should make it a standalone module within Cayenne. This
    means a standalone Eclipse project, separate from the rest of the

    > But this is a hassle for the development process which I would
    > welcome to not have. Except
    > there is some trick to tell Eclipse to handle two separate projects
    > as one
    > (debugging and compiling).

    In fact it is fairly easy to develop two projects in the same
    workspace. Adding the M-word to the mix (ok, that's Maven :-)), makes
    it both more simple and more complicated. Simple, cause if you have
    your dependencies with sources in a local repo, you don't have to
    open them in Eclipse. More complicated, because you have to install
    those dependencies in the local repo after each change.

    > Just a quick question. Is the DataView still in the 3.0 bleeding edge
    > build? If so, we have to change the namespace anyway and there
    > would be no
    > gain in making a new library.

    Yes they are (but not the DVModeler). Again, my preference would be
    to split that code in a separate module under Cayenne.


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